Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I don’t care if you support Real Madrid, Barcelona, Arsenal, AC Milan, Manchester United or whatever team you support.  You gotta show respect to everybody.  Yeah, during games, we shit talk each team.  We all do it. And we all want our team to win.  But to go so far as to tweet to a player that you want him to die?  That’s bullshit.  That’s unnecessary and completely ncalled for.  Do you see any of the players telling each other to die or anything like that?  No.  What do they do? They shake hands and congratulate each other.  They show RESPECT.  And as fans, that’s what we should do.  Whether it’s your team or not, you gotta show respect, not hate.  Football isn’t about hate.  Football is about people playing the sport they love and we’re lucky enough to get to see that.  Regardless of your team, if you’re nice, I’ll like you.  This hate crap is just stupid and it really aggravates me that people don’t see that.  
I know Puyol will never read this, but I’d just like to apologize for the jerk who sent him that nasty tweet.  He honestly doesn’t represent all Real Madrid fans.

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